Explain the strategies that Garrett Hardin uses to develop his ideas in "Lifeboat Ethics" and describe how these strategies contribute his overall point. Be sure to describe at least two specific portions of the text that show two specific strategies Hardin uses and show how these contribute to his argument.

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Garrett Hardin in his essay "Lifeboat Ethics" explains the idea of survival. He suggested that equal distribution of resources is not possible and will lead to unethical decision making by people. People always ensure their survival first rather than distributing finite resources among those in need. If helping the poor is diminishing chances of survival for rich, they are unlikely to think ethically. According to Hardin, world needs to create more resources which shall multiply fast in comparison to increasing world population.

The strategy Garrett has suggested to improve ethical living on planet earth is to push poorer countries for developing their own resources instead of relying on the rich countries so that the world shall rise from poverty and humanity shall prevail.


Hardin does not believe that world's finite resources can be distributed among the ever increasing population. Moreover, any attempts to distribute the resources equally will furthermore bring catastrophe to human race. Hardin explained the resource allocation with a help of a lifeboat metaphor. He explained that if so many people may fit on a lifeboat and the life boat resource exceed its limit, it will sink. This is termed as the "Tragedy of Commons. Hardin convinces his readers that aid programs given by rich countries to poor countries hurt both of them. The poor countries became handicapped and meet their food demands through world bank. The rich countries, on the other hand, keep giving their food stock to poor countries which in turn decrease their reserves with respect to their ever-growing population needs and may develop a crisis.

Hardin believes that rich countries should prioritize their own needs like lifeboat passengers who never leave their spot for some other person. In this way, poor countries will try to create their own resources for their survival.