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The Social Contact theory


The theory of the origin of the state that most influenced the establishment of the political system in the United States is the Social Contract theory.


The social contract, as a political theory, explains, among other things, the origin and purpose of the State and human rights. The essence of the theory (whose best known formulation is the one proposed by Jean-Jacques Rousseau) is the following: to live in society, human beings agree on an implicit social contract that grants them certain rights in exchange for abandoning the freedom from which they would have in a state of nature. Thus, the rights and duties of individuals constitute the clauses of the social contract, while the State is the entity created to enforce the contract. Similarly, human beings can change the terms of the contract if they wish; rights and duties are not immutable or natural. On the other hand, a greater number of rights implies greater duties, and less rights, less duties. Under this theory, constitutions are the social contracts that modern societies agree to sign in order to create governments and establish peaceful nations.