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Because the Catholic Church was so corrupt and had made people believe that they were the gatekeepers to salvation. Very few people were able to read the Bible for themselves, they counted on the clergy to read and interpret it for the masses.

The Catholic Church had the religion set up as a money making and power brokering propostion. Luther was a German monk who was sent to Rome as a reward for his hard work, diligence and faith. When he got to Rome and saw the corruption of the sale of indulgences, of "relics" as well as the Pope's moral turpitude, he was shocked. The moment that cinched it was when he went to a "holy" hill where a believer would pay a fee to crawl up 100 stairs on his knees, saying an Our Father/Hail Mary on each which was supposed to guarantee that the person he prayed for went to heaven. As Luther crawled, he thought about why the stairs weren't packed with people and where in the Bible it said that this would work. It dawned on him that it was a money making scheme that went straight into the Pope's pocket. 
Luther wanted to cut out the middle men and allow people to establish a relationship with God directly. Also he believed that everyone should be able to read and study the Bible for themselves. The Catholic Church fought against the encroachment on their wealth and power.


Martin Luther wanted to remove corruption and abuses from the church, and especially to return the church to a gospel emphasis and the Bible as the sole source of religious truth.


The Protestant Reformation is noted as beginning with Martin Luther's posting of what are commonly called "The 95 Theses."  The official title of Luther's document, which he put forth on October 31, 1517, as theses for debate, was: Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences.  Indulgences were papers issued by the authority of the pope that granted the person obtaining them the removal of penance owed in regard to their sins.  Luther objected not only to the fact that these papers were being peddled for money, but questioned many of the doctrinal foundations behind the use of indulgences.

As Luther continued his reform efforts, he protested not only indulgences, but the revering of relics, prayers to saints, the authority of the pope, and more.  Many of the long-standing Catholic Church traditions were challenged.  Other reformers, such as Ulrich Zwingli and John Calvin, also became part of the Protestant Reformation activity.

Luther and the other Protestant reformers proclaimed salvation as a gift of God's grace, rather than something earned by human efforts.  The Roman Catholic Church spoke of God's grace also, but as an enabling power that helped human beings do the works required for obtaining salvation.  The reformers still preached that we should do good works, but said those works were a fruit of being saved rather than a source of salvation.