Hey there!
Just for reference, the dividend is divided by the divisor.
Here's a general rundown of the steps to complete long division problems:
1. Take the divisor and see how many times it can be put into the first number of the dividend.
– For example, in this step, if you are dividing 42 by 2, 2 would go into 4 (the first number of the dividend) twice.
– In your given example, 7 goes into 9 once.
**If the first number of the dividend is smaller than the divisor, move onto the second number. For example, if you were dividing 344 by 4, you would count how many times the 4 goes into 34 instead, since it can't go into 3**
2. Write the number of times the divisor goes into the first number of the dividend directly above the first number.
– In the same example I gave, you would write "2" directly above the first number of the dividend.
– In your example, you'd write a 1 above the first number.
**Again, if your first number is too small and you move on to a larger number, you will write this number from step 2 above the current number in the ones place. When dividing 344 by 4, 8 would go above the 4 in 34**
3. Multiply the number you just wrote by the divisor, then subtract that from the first number or its equivalent.
– In the example I gave you, 2 times 2 would equal 4, and 4 minus 4 would equal 0.
– In your example, you would multiply 7 times 1, then subtract 7 from 9 to get 2.
4. After you subtract, bring down the next number, keeping it in the same column, and use that number the same way you used the first number. You'll repeat the steps with this number.
– In your example, you would bring down the 8 to make the new number you'll use, 28. If you repeat the steps, you'll find that 7 goes into 28 four times, then you'll write a 4 to the right of the 1 you wrote above the 9 in the last steps. Since there isn't a remainder, the final answer will be 14, meaning that 7 goes into 98 fourteen times.
If you have any doubts, you don't understand something I wrote, or your daughter thrives on visual examples, khanacademy has a great long division tutorial. I would suggest checking that out as well.
Hope this helped you out!