Respuesta :
To calculate, 1st convert 1,750 USD to CLP by multiplying it with exchange rate 496.50 CLP/1USD. Total is CLP 868,875. Then by subtracting the expenses in CLP (CLP 217,513), remaining is CLP 651,362. Convert it to VEF by multiplying the exchange rate 0.1283 VEF/1 CLP. Resulting is VEF 83,569.74. Then, subtract it with the expenses in VEF (VEF 31,422.19). Remaining VEF is VEF 45,147.55. Next, convert it to PYG by multiplying it with 1,063.95 PYG/1 VEF. Result is PYG 48,034,740.72. Next, subtract it with the expenses in PYG (PYG 12,857,441.39). Difference is PYG 35,177,299.33. Lastly, convert if to USD by multiplying it with 0.00002186 USD/1 PYG. Final answer is USD 768.98.
Step-by-step explanation:
Converting $1750 USD to Chilean pesos, we have
1750(496.5) = 868,875 CLP.
Spending 217,513 pesos gives us
868,875 - 217,513 = 651,362
Converting CLP to VEF, we have
651362*0.1283 = 83569.74
Spending 38,422.19 bolivars leaves us with
83,569.74 - 38,422.19 = 45,147.55
Converting VEF to PYG, we have
45147.55(1063.95) = 48,034,735.82
Spending 12,857,441.39 guarani leaves us with
48,034,735.82-12,857,441.39 = 35,177,294.43
Converting these PYG back to USD gives us
35,177,294.43(0.00002186) = 768.98