Read the passage describing Achilles: "Thus while he roused the fire in every breast, Close and more close the listening cohorts press'd; Ranks wedged in ranks; of arms a steely ring Still grows, and spreads, and thickens round the king. As when a circling wall the builder forms, Of strength defensive against wind and storms, Compacted stones the thickening work compose, And round him wide the rising structure grows: So helm to helm, and crest to crest they throng, Shield urged on shield, and man drove man along; Thick, undistinguish'd plumes, together join'd, Float in one sea, and wave before the wind." Identify the extended simile in this passage. How does it add meaning to the text? Support your response using evidence from the text.

Respuesta :

The extended simile in the passage is: As when a circling wall the builder forms, Of strength defensive against wind and storms, Compacted stones the thickening work compose, And round him wide the rising structure grows

A simile is a figure of speech that compares one thing from another thing of a different kind. It adds meaning to the text because it emphasizes the: 

a. strength of the wall - which is likened to being a barrier that can be used as protection from wind and storms

b. size of the structure - which was built with hours of hard work and construction materials that can withstand such great forces of war. HOPE THIS HELPED! :)