One of the causes of the war was greatly effected in the end . In the end of the civil war nearly 7,000 priest and people of religious orders were killed including 12 bishops. The killing done in favor of the Catholic Church was unjust in that they were not following the ways of the Bible . The church, after retuning to power took back control of education and acted as the back bone of the nations family life , and moral beliefs. Divorce was once again banned in the country of Spain. On August 27 ,1953 , the Catholic Church became known as the Church of Spain ; this put taxes on church collections and the priests were put on the state payroll. In result of this civil war the best that could be said is that the Nationalsit ended in victory. The entire war paid the price of a toll of a total six hundred thousand lives were taken in order for this rebellion to come to an end.Also as a result of the new government under the power of Fransisco Franco a very famous artist made his statement by leaving the country of Spain.