The Crucible was an allegory supposedly about the Salem witch trials of the Massachussets Bay in 1692 to 1693 but it was really about the McCarthy anti-communist witch hunt of the 1950's. In the 1950's, as part of the Cold War, Senator McCarthy prosecuted pe arominent people like movie stars, singers etc for sympathizing with or being communists. For example, Paul Robeson, became destitute after his ostracism for being a communist for his support of the anti-fascist forces in Spain and then the role of the Soviet Union in WWII. His passport was revoked by McCarthy so he was unable to earn an income from international singing tours. His passport was re-instated in 1958 when he was too old to travel. Arthur MIller was cross-examined on the House for Un-American Activities and found in contempt of court for not disclosing who was at some meetings he had attended.