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Brief mention is made in self check assignment one---- foreshadowing is defined as giving hints about what will happen later


Another word for foreshadowing is warning. Foreshadowing is one of the literary devices.  


What is foreshadowing, and what is the purpose of it as a literary device? Foreshadowing is a literary device where the writers of literary works use it as a warning or hint of what is coming next in the story. Foreshadowing occurs in the beginning of a literary works (novel, short story, novella, etc.). It can be in the earlier chapter of literary works. Foreshadowing give us as readers hint on what is coming next to the story. Foreshadowing helps the readers to develop expectations about the coming events of action in the literary works.  

There are many forms of foreshadowing in literary works. For example, in a story, foreshadowing occurs in the form of characters’ dialogue or actions. The dialogue or actions or events in the story gives hint and builds readers expectation on what is coming next. Sometimes, the title of a story or the sub-chapter of a story tells the readers about what is coming next because it contains foreshadow or hint.  

The purpose of foreshadowing in literary works is to build anticipation on the readers’ mind and adds dramatic tension to the story. In a thriller, horror, or mystery novel or story, foreshadowing can occur as red herrings or false clues. The purpose of it is to distract the readers. Here are some examples of foreshadowing:

1. “The final graveyard flower is blooming, and its smell drifts through their house, speaking gently the names of their dead.” This sentence foreshadows “death.”  

2. “The same old thinking and the same old results.” This sentence foreshadows “changes”

3. “As the twilight colors blush. The eyes of the night arouse.” This sentence foreshadows “night”.  


If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:

1. Which literary elements are used in this excerpt?  

2. In literature, what is a subject?  

KEYWORDS: foreshadowing, literary devices, what is foreshadowing, foreshadowing is  

Subject: English

Class: 10-12

Sub-chapter: Foreshadowing