1. Life is full of suffering. 2. The desire for possessions causes suffering. 3. Elimination of desire will stop one’s suffering. 4. Following the Eightfold path will lead to Enlightenment. These statements are key to the belief system of A) Buddhism. B) Confucianism. C) Hinduism. D) Shintoism.

Respuesta :

Buddhism, These are the “Four Noble Truths”


These statements are key to the belief system

of Buddhism.


These statements come from "The Four Noble  Truths". The Four Noble Truths are the essence  of Buddha's teachings. They are a plan for  dealing with the sufferings of humanity. The  first truth, explain to us that we need to be  aware and identify the presence of suffering  around the world. The second truth, explain to  us that one of the cause of suffering is the  constant craving for material goods, all of  which are wants that can never be satisfied.  The third truth, explain to us how we can end  the suffering by achieving Nirvana; which is  when spiritual enlightment has been reached.  The fourth truth, explain to us that, to reach  Enlightment one must follow the eightfold path  (right understanding, right thought, right  speech, right action, right livelihood, right

effort, right mindfulness, right concentration)