Respuesta :
B. The Counter-Reformation
The Protestant Reformation was promoted by Marin Luther to fix some aspects of Crhstianinism that, according to him, it was a problem, especially the sell of salvation (indulgences). But his protests led the Roman Church to counter-attack with the Counter-Reformation, but especially because Catholicism was gradually losing space in Europe, and consequently, the influence trough the world. To confront Luther and his ideas, the Church reactivated the Inquisition to punish the heretics and created the Society of Jesus to spread the catholicism throughout the world. In the art field, the Church commissioned several painters to portrait the crucial moments of the Bible, but in a dramatic and strong way. The objective was to bring back the prayers remembering them that the Church was the only salvation. The Baroque art style made use of the chiaroscuro technique and hard light to create fear, respect, and reverence.