What is E.D.'s real name?
Select one:
a. Edna Delores
b. Elizabeth Denise
c. Edith
d. none of the above
Who is Cordelia chasing?
Select one:
a. Destiny
b. Wolfie
c. Jake
d. Hazel
How is E.D. different from the rest of her family?
Select one:
a. She is not creative.
b. She likes order.
c. She likes following a schedule.
d. all of the above
What does Jake want to do instead of schoolwork?
Select one:
a. play computer games
b. watch TV
c. both of the above
d. none of the above
Who is Jeremy Bernstein?
Select one:
a. Jake's social worker
b. a reporter
c. a new student
d. none of the above
What does Jeremy Bernstein discover about Sybil Jameson?
Select one:
a. she is a talented actress
b. she is composing her own ballet
c. she is an Applewhite
d. none of the above
What does E.D. do with each project she comes up with?
Select one:
a. has it approved by her father
b. designs a test or quiz over the project
c. teaches the main ideas to Destiny
d. none of the above
What does Destiny want to watch Jake do?
Select one:
a. catch butterflies
b. take a math test
c. eat breakfast
d. none of the above