The election results for the year 2000 shown above illustrate that

Arizona's votes determined the winner
Florida votes had a significant impact on the election's outcome
California votes should be disputed because all went to one candidate
New York does not have a strong role in the election of the president

Respuesta :

The 2000 United States presidential elections had elected the then US President George W. Bush, which is the son of the former United States President George H. W. Bush. In addition to that, the Vice President that was eventually elected is the famous environmentalist Al Gore. The Californian region had been proven to have a huge impact in the election because of its much higher voter turn-out compared to other states.


The election results for the year 2000 shown above illustrate that  Florida votes had a significant impact on the election's outcome .


The 2000 presidential election was held on Tuesday, November 7, 2000.

The elecion was dominated by the post-election woes of the two main candidates, Democrat Al Gore and Republican George W. Bush, who had to wait for the results of the state of Florida, determinants of the final result, for more than a month. Bush won Florida with 537 votes in advance. These results were contested by the Democratic candidate before the Florida Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court. The latter considered in Bush v. Gore in December 12, 2000 that the recount ordered by the Supreme Court of Florida was unconstitutional by 7 votes to 2 and, by 5 votes against 4, that it was impossible to perform a constitutional recount within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States. It canceled the final manual recount of votes still taking place in Miami-Dade County, de facto nominating George W. Bush as the winner of the presidential election. Private recounts conducted in 2001 by a consortium of several newspapers and the University of Chicago showed that if Al Gore's specific recount in all three counties had been successful, he would not have been able to reverse the trend for Bush, while a recount of the entire state of Florida would have championed the democrat Al Gore.

Although Al Gore had won the majority of popular votes across all states (over 500,000 votes in advance), it was the candidate George W. Bush who became president of the United States on January 20, 2001 , having been officially elected by the United States Electoral College on December 18, 2000.