1. When I /do count / the clock / that tells / the time (pentameter )
2. merrily, merrily all the way home (dactylic )
3. John stumbled ninety-six yards to a touchdown. (Irony)
4. Death watches over us all our lives. (personification )
5. These shoes wear like iron. (simile)
6. abba, abba (rhyme scheme)
7. most important element of poetry (language )
8. moon, June (true rhyme )
9. tune, boom (slant rhyme)
10. Seek and ye shall find. (trochaic)
*Pentameter: is the way the lines of a poem are organized being the most common the iambic pentameter.
*Dactylic: is a poetic meter where the first is a long syllable followed by two short syllables
*Irony: is the contrast between what is expected to happen and what happens
*Personification: is a literary device that gives human qualities to something that is not human.
*Simile: it makes a comparison of two different things, using the words "as" and "like"
*Rhyme Scheme: is the pattern of rhymes at the end of each line
*Language: a way of language using literary writing
*True Rhyme: Rhythm between words where the stressed syllable and the following consonants are identical
*Slant Rhyme: similar sound between rhymes but they don't rhyme
*Trochaic: when a line has trochees as a way of metric.