
Match the example to the term.

1. When I /do count / the clock / that tells / the time
2. merrily, merrily all the way home
3. John stumbled ninety-six yards to a touchdown.
4. Death watches over us all our lives.
5. These shoes wear like iron.
6. abba, abba
7. most important element of poetry
8. moon, June
9. tune, boom
10. Seek and ye shall find.

slant rhyme
rhyme scheme
true rhyme

Respuesta :


1.    When I /do count / the clock / that tells / the time  (pentameter )

2.    merrily, merrily all the way home (dactylic )

3.    John stumbled ninety-six yards to a touchdown.  (Irony)

4.    Death watches over us all our lives.  (personification )

5.    These shoes wear like iron. (simile)

6.    abba, abba (rhyme scheme)

7.    most important element of poetry  (language )

8.    moon, June  (true rhyme )

9.    tune, boom (slant rhyme)

10.    Seek and ye shall find. (trochaic)


*Pentameter: is the way the lines of a poem are organized being the most common the iambic pentameter.

*Dactylic: is a poetic meter where the first is a long syllable followed by two short syllables

*Irony: is the contrast between what is expected to happen and what happens

*Personification: is a literary device that gives human qualities to something that is not human.

*Simile: it makes a comparison of two different things, using the words "as" and "like"

*Rhyme Scheme: is the pattern of rhymes at the end of each line

*Language: a way of language using literary writing

*True Rhyme: Rhythm between words where the stressed syllable and the following consonants are identical

*Slant Rhyme: similar sound between rhymes but they don't rhyme

*Trochaic: when a line has trochees as a way of metric.