I've been stuck for hours need to get this done tonight. Look at the word banks below, prepare a paragraph in which you incorporate the verbs ir, estar, and venir with the modes of transportation and the places people can go, be or come from/to. Your paragraph should have four to five sentences in a logical order. Once you have prepared you paragraph, read it into the microphone and record it.
Here is a word bank of subjects / subject pronouns you can use; you can use your own if you wish:
Ariel y yo Dalia Mi madre José y Mario Heidi, Fela y Al
Usted profesor Paz Tú Vosotros Las niñas
Here is a word bank of modes of transportation:
el autobús el tren el carro/el coche el avión
la bicicleta el barco la motocicleta a pie
Here is a word bank of places people can visit:
el estadio el teatro la farmacia la ciudad
el museo el parque la tienda de ropa el cine
el correo la biblioteca el hospital la librería also please keep it simple since it is beginning spanish