Qué hacías tú cuando tenías seis años? Escribe una carta en español a un amigo para describir lo que hacías cuando tenías seis años. Escribe acerca de lo que hacías en casa, durante el verano, adónde ibas, qué mirabas en la tele, que comías, etcétera. Usa el imperfecto para la carta y incluye un saludo y una despedida. La carta debe ser de por lo menos diez frases en español.

¿Qué hacías tú cuando tenías seis años? Write a letter in Spanish to a friend describing what you used to do when you were six years old. Write about what you used to do at home, during the summer, where you use to go, what you used to watch on television, what you used to eat, etc. Use the imperfect tense for this letter and include a salutation and farewell. The letter should have a minimum of 10 sentences in Spanish.

When i was 6 i sang karaoke and ate at my grandmas

Respuesta :

Cuando tenia 6 anos yo cantaba. Me gustaba a cantar le a mi abuela cuando la visitaba. ella tambien me daba comida para comer


The letter about I used to do when I was six years old is:

Hola Mark:

Me gustaría contarte un poco sobre como era yo cuando era niño, cuando yo tenía seis años era un niño muy tranquilo y de gustos simples, amaba ver televisión toda la tarde y los fines de semana verla desde temprano en la mañana, puesto que en esos horarios se emitían las franjas infantiles con las caricaturas que más me gustaban (pokemon, digimon, los super campeones y dragon ball), durante el verano visitaba a mis primos en un pueblo rural cercano a mi lugar de residencia, allí ellos tenían plantíos de mora y me gustaba tomar algunas y comerlas recién cosechadas, de vuelta en casa me encantaba comer comidas rápidas como hamburguesa o perro caliente, sin embargo mi papá me restringía un poco dicha comida puesto que no era benéfica para mí. En el colegio era uno de los mejores puesto que aprendí a leer muy rápido y a realizar operaciones matemáticas apenas las aprendía, los profesores me querían mucho y yo a ellos también.

En verdad espero que te haya gustado mi historia y te agradecería si me cuentas como fue tu niñez.

¡Un abrazo!


The translation of the paragraph is:

Hello Mark:

I would like to tell you a little about how I was when I was a child, when I was six years old I was a very calm child with simple tastes, I loved watching TV all afternoon and on weekends watching it early in the morning, since in those schedules were broadcasting children's stripes with the cartoons that I liked the most (pokemon, digimon, super champions and dragon ball), during the summer I visited my cousins ​​in a rural town near my place of residence, there they had blackberry plantations and I liked to take some and eat them freshly harvested, back at home I loved to eat fast food like hamburger or hot dog, however my dad restricted me a little said food since it was not beneficial for me. At school I was one of the best since I learned to read very quickly and to perform mathematical operations as soon as I learned them, the teachers loved me very much and I loved them too.

I really hope you liked my story and I would appreciate it if you tell me what your childhood was like.

A hug!

As you can see in the translation I have created a story about a six-year-old boy and what I was doing, I used the Imperfect Preterite Form of the verbs as requested, you can recognize them since many of them end in "aba,"  on the other hand, I have covered each of the questions asked in order to make the letter as complete as possible according to the requirements. Finally, the letter contains more than 10 sentences.