Respuesta :
1. While working at the Dublin Castle as a civil servant, Bram Stoker worked for a local newspaper Dublin Evening Mail. He writes reviews of various theater productions in Dublin. Bram Stoker and Sir Henry Irving became friends and the latter gave him a managerial position at his prod company, Lyceum Theater. Part of Stoker’s job is to write letters to Irving. There are times that he’ll write up to 50 letters per day, and because of the influence of the theater he then wrote horror books.
2. He has various supernatural abilities like intense physical strength that can be equaled to 20 men, being immune to attack (you can only kill him by decapitating him and a wood struck in his heart). Hypnotic prowess and mind control (even animals like wolves and rats), he can also shapeshift into a bat, a rat, and etc. He can also transfer his condition to others by biting them in the throat. Count Dracula is a tall man and clean shaven except for the white moustache. He has curved high bridge thin nose, and blue eyes. His lips are hidden in his moustache, his ears were exceptionally pointed, and his cheeks are thin.
3. It was replaced by the germ theory of diseases on which microbiologists stated that microbes cause diseases, and multiplies that can be passed on from one person to another person.
4. In line to Bram Stoker’s Dracula, I can imagine a gothic and eerie feeling when entering Transylvania; with lots of enormous castles and what creeps me out the most is Transylvanian’s strigois!
5. Lucy Westenra is the bloofer lady. She was transformed into a vampire after the constant attacks of the Count. Bloofer came from the mispronounced word “beautiful” by the children.