While sitting in english class, alarms on timers started going off in the back of the classroom, students were distracted, but the teacher kept teaching. as more alarms went off, one student got up, and the teacher nodded to him. the student walked toward the back of the classroom and the teacher nodded. the student turned the alarm off and the teacher thanked him. what operant conditioning process does this best illustrate?

Respuesta :

This type of behavior demonstrates positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is achieved when any type of behavior is strengthened or reinforced as a result of receiving a positive feedback or gesture. In this instance the positive reinforcement is the nod of approval given by the teacher. 


The process of operant conditioning that is shown in the above question is called Shaping.


Operant conditioning is a mechanism for learning new behavior - a process that Skinner called shaping. The fundamental instrument of shaping is reinforcement - the consequence of an action when it is perceived by the practitioner.

In operant conditioning, shaping consists of reinforcing successive approximations and ultimately desired behavior, so shaping also calls the “successive approximation method”. In this method new responses are developed in the individual through a gradual process of learning.