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Repetition and flashcards are used as Memorization Strategies, but the one them that requires repeating the information in your head over and over is "Repetition", in that way you are more likely to remember it; then you need to allow the brain to recover by resting.  

One advantage of Flashcards is their portability, and they work best when focus on bits of information and key points. Thereby (False)



When constructing flashcards, it’s important to first note what the purpose of flashcards is.  Flashcards are used to help you commit things to memory in way that is easier than using a textbook to do so.  Textbooks, as you may know, have an inundation of information that can be overwhelming.  As such, flashcards should contain only the bare minimum because you don’t want to overload yourself with information.  Flashcards would best be used to learn single terms, important dates, equations, and/or information that is easy to memorize.  Thus, to get the most out of a flashcard, you would not put as much information as you can on it; you would do just the opposite so information on it can be easily remembered.  
