3. Write a 2-3 paragraph letter to one of the important people from your era. Include the following:
-Tell the person what you think about him/her.
-Tell whether you agree or disagree with the actions he/she takes or the ideas that he/she has.
-Tell them the impact that they have made on history

Respuesta :

Dear Amy Sherman Pallidino,

     I think that your show "Gilmore Girls" was very inspiring, I think that it was thoughtful of you to make a show so beautiful, and inspiring. I think that you are a lovely lady for making such a prestigous show that can be related to by so many people, your character "Rory Gilmore" is such an inspiring young lady, that really impacted my life. Another character I liked was her mother, "the other Lorelei" She was strong, and quoting "Christopher Haden"(another character[rory's dad]) She always knew exactly what she wanted. I think that your romances between the current "leading Lorelei" and "Luke Daynes" was extremely inspiring, It showed people across america what real relationships should be like. Thanks

   I agree with most of the actions you have done on this show, even though not all of them were spot-on, for example the fact that you ended your "a year in the life" with such saddening words (warning spoilers up ahead) I mean seriously, "Mom. What? I'm Pregnant." I'm Pregnant????? WHO DOES THAT TO SUCH LOYAL FANS???? Ok.. Ok...... I am pregnant is what you have planned, but WHY???? Lets go on though.... I think that your choice of naming "Kirk" kirk, instead of Nick was excelent, I could not picture him with another name, also adding the part of "Paris" was great, "Paris," and "Lane" are my favorite characters in this show. You have made the world a better, and more inspiring place by producing the show "Gilmore Girls," I hope this show will go on for generations to come.

Signed, and with hope you will make more "Gilmore Girls"

Your fan, ---UR Name here-----

Dear Mr. Truman,

First of all, I have a great deal of respect for you. It must have been hard to suddenly be plunged into presidency so quickly. I know that you were quickly informed of the Manhattan Project. It must have been hard to pick the option  of dropping the atom bombs on Japan. War is an ugly thing, and you had to quickly take leadership of the U.S. and decide the actions that America would take.

I completely agree with your actions of choosing to use the atomic bombs. Without it, America would have needed to invade the Japanese homeland, and the Japanese are fierce fighters. The invasion would have cost thousands of American lives. Thankfully, you made this sacrifice unnecessary by bombing two cities and patiently waiting for word of the Japanese surrender. That must have not been easy.

Whether you know it or not, you have made a huge difference on history. You are the man that was suddenly put into the highest office in the land and quickly adjusted, making sound decisions in the middle of war. We all appreciate your work for America.


                                                             Janith Abernathy