Why did American colonists convene the Continental Congress?
A. To draft a Constitution for the new nation
B. To condemn disloyal colonial subjects
C. To form a Parliament in the colonies
D. To settle on a response to public protests against British treatment of the colonies

Respuesta :


The correct answer is D. American colonists convened the Continental Congress to settle on a response to public protests against British treatment of the colonies.


The Continental Congress consisted of delegates from the 13 colonies of British North America who wanted to defend themselves against restrictions on the freedom of their citizens. Since the Congress met between 1774 and 1789, its founding immediately preceded the American War of Independence.

The first Continental Congress met from September 5, 1774 to October 26, 1774 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Measures against the Intolerable Acts were passed and letters were sent directly to George III. The main topics of this congress were a declaration of solidarity from all colonies and the imposition of a one-year ban on exports and imports to Great Britain. An important adviser was the future second president of the United States, John Adams; Virginia's representative was George Washington.