What “connection” does scout make during their current events lesson at school (regarding democracy)? (from to kill a mockingbird)

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Well one if the kids in that class (Cecil)brought up a News Article about Hitler.

Cecil didn't understand why their government didn't just put Hitler in jail for doing such foul things

The teacher responded like this:
Hitler is the government and everyone in Germany follows what he says.She also teaches them that the Jews are great people and she doesn't know what Hitler has against them.

Cecil Responds like this:
Why would one white person persecute another white person
(As if persecuting black people was okay)
Scout made the connection of Racism

Scout knew that there was some type of separation, but she never saw anything wrong with it until then.

Scout was thinking along the lines of:

"How is killing and falsely persecuting white people not ok, but killing and falsely persecuting black people is just fine"