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It strained the resources of Russia while trying to go to war on Afghanistan. When the US sent in troops, Russia was running out of supplies and ended nowhere but with fewer supplies. The only reason USSR would invade Afghanistan is for terrotorial dominance but that didnt really happen. Invading Afganistan helped destroy USSR
The Soviet army looked ineffective as casualties mounted. This was a significant factor that contributed to the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union. The mighty Soviet military machine no longer looked so mighty. The Afghan resistance to Soviet-sponsored communism could not be overcome by the Soviet troops. During the course of the decade-long conflict (from December 1979 until February 1989), approximately 15,000 Soviet soldiers were killed and another 35,000 wounded.
The Washington Post reported in 1988, after the USSR had been struggling in its war with the Afghans for nearly a decade: "Afghanistan is Russia's Vietnam -- possibly with even greater consequences for the Soviet Union."