fifty years ago, at the end of world war ii, an unchallenged america was protected by the oceans and by our technological superiority and, very frankly, by the economic devastation of the people who could otherwise have been our competitors. we chose then to try to help rebuild our former enemies and to create a world of free trade supported by institutions which would facilitate it. ... as a result, jobs were created, and opportunity thrived all across the world. ... for the last 20 years … the middle class that was created and enlarged by the wise policies of expanding trade at the end of world war ii has been under severe stress.—president bill clinton, from a 1993 speech what argument was president clinton making about nafta by mentioning the end of world war ii? support nafta because expanding free trade will improve the u.s. economy, as well as partner economies. do not support nafta because it will lead to a u.s. crash once the economies of partner countries are improved. support nafta because the united states has a moral obligation to assist the economic development of less fortunate nations. do not support nafta because the united states no longer enjoys the same world position it did in the middle of the century.