1. "At times, it seems that even the author doesn't believe his characters' stilted emotions."
2. "All that are human can relate to the feeling of loss felt by Ophelia." authenticity
3. "The author displays innovative use of language and form."
4. "Teenage romance simply is not the stuff of high literature."
pick answers(anwsers are in ( ) ) for 1-4 (aesthetics ,authenticity , Subject matter, universality)

Respuesta :

AUTHENTICITY 1. "At times, it seems that even the author doesn't believe his characters' stilted emotions." 

UNIVERSALITY 2. "All that are human can relate to the feeling of loss felt by Ophelia." 

AESTHETICS 3. "The author displays innovative use of language and form." 

SUBJECT MATTER 4. "Teenage romance simply is not the stuff of high literature." 


  1. Authenticity ~ "At times, it seems that even the author doesn't believe his characters' stilted emotions."
  2. Universality ~ "All that are human can relate to the feeling of loss felt by Ophelia."
  3. Aesthetics ~ "The author displays innovative use of language and form."
  4. Subject matter ~ "Teenage romance simply is not the stuff of high literature."

Hope this helps!!