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Thomas Hobbes

Thomas Hobbes, a prominent English philosopher, writes about the nature of man and human life what he sees as “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short”. His pessimistic view is elaborated in Leviathan, a major work in social theory. His thesis is that human nature is primarily bad, where humanity is in a constant state of war, whether for natural resources or for mere power. There is a permanent state of anarchy unless a great power emerges to prevent this. Hobbes states that any groups coming to power will sooner or later use power as a means of abuse given this deviated human nature.

Then he proposes an absolutist approach, where there is a single ruler preferred over aristocracy, oligarchy or any kind of democracy. A strong and clever ruler will seek to gain wealth and power for his nation, as citizens of his kingdom could overthrow him if he fails in his duties.

Furthermore, Hobbes sees religion reinforces the masses how ignorant they are and the duty they pledged to their king.

The sociopolitical thought of Hobbes shows the pessimistic side of the Enlightenment, for his freedom isn't focus on his speech since he believes it leads to insane passions and foolish behavior of man.