Select a song that you like and scan the lyrics, nothing the rhyme scheme and meter. Then, respond to these questions: What rhyme scheme and meter do the lyrics have? Is it a set meter, or does it vary? How do you think the song type (rap, hip-hop, pop, country, etc.) influences the kind of meter it has? Would you expect to find a similar rhyme scheme and meter in other songs in this genre? If you recite the song lyrics as you would a poem, would it have the same rhythm and meter as it does as a song? Does putting the lyrics to the musical arrangement alter the spoken rhythm of the words?

Respuesta :

The song that I choose is Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran.
#1 The scheme that the song use in each stanza is ABAB. 
#2 It's an acoustic song about love and I think the song is influenced by the emotion of the writer.
#3 Yes, but different in tempo and beat in musical chores
#4 Nope, Singing is not the same on how you read a poem
#5Yes it may vary on the beat and drops of music chores
Universidad de Mexico