
The following statement is from a contract between a homeowner and the Homeowners' Association (HOA) for his neighborhood. "Overnight parking on community streets is prohibited. For the purpose of this contract, 'overnight' will be defined as the hours between 11:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. The HOA will monitor overnight parking not less than once every calendar week with nightly patrols by community security. "In the event a car is found parked on community streets overnight and that ownership of the offending car can accurately be verified as a community homeowner, the homeowner will receive one (1) written warning asking him or her to correct the situation. A second and third infraction by the same homeowner, whether or not it is with the same car, will result in a monetary fine as permitted by CC&R guidelines and HOA bylaws. Further infractions (past 3) will result in monetary fines in addition to the towing of the car at the homeowner's expense." According the contract, which of the following is not a responsibility of the HOA
monitor overnight parking at least once a week
give a written warning for the first infraction of overnight parking
give a written warning for the second infraction of overnight parking
tow the car of a homeowner who has parked in the street overnight five nights in a row