Respuesta :
Convert 76.8% to a decimal.
Multiply 0.768 by x to get 0.768x.
Multiply each term by 1 / 0.768 and simplify.
Cancel the common factor of 0.768.
Divide 40.32 by 0.768 to get 52.5
Multiply 0.768 by x to get 0.768x.
Multiply each term by 1 / 0.768 and simplify.
Cancel the common factor of 0.768.
Divide 40.32 by 0.768 to get 52.5
Convert 76.8% to a decimal.
Multiply 0.768 by x to get 0.768x.
Multiply each term by 1 / 0.768 and simplify.
Cancel the common factor of 0.768.
Divide 40.32 by 0.768 to get 52.5
Multiply 0.768 by x to get 0.768x.
Multiply each term by 1 / 0.768 and simplify.
Cancel the common factor of 0.768.
Divide 40.32 by 0.768 to get 52.5