Respuesta :

1.curium ( 1944 Marie and Pierre Curie 
2.einsteinium ( Albert Einstein) 
3.fermium (1953 Enrico Fermi) 
4.mendelevium (1955 Dmitri Mendeleev, who devised first Periodic Table) 
5.nobelium ( 1957 Alfred Nobel) 
6.niobium (1801 Niobe/ daughter of Tantalus) 
7.samarium (1879 Samarski, a Russian engineer) 
8.titanium (1791 Greek mythology, Titans, first sons of earth) 
9.thorium ( 1819 named after Thor of course !!!:) ) 
10.tantalum ( 1802 Tantalus of Greek mythology) pick which ever best that your more into hope this helped you alot:/