
08.03 Body Parts
08.03 Voice and Written Activity


In Spanish, write eight commands using tócate to tell an adult to touch a different body part in each command.

Read the commands to the adult you are teaching. You will need to show this person the body part by following your own commands at first. After a few times, try to see if the adult can follow your commands without help from you.

Submit the following under 08.03 Body Parts Voice and Writing Assignment:
Your eight written commands
The name of the person you taught and how well you think he or she did with this activity.
Your eight commands recorded in a voice activity.
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Respuesta :

If I'm correct you need the 8 commands right?

1. Tócate tú brazo (touch your arm)
2. Tócate tú pierna (leg)
3. Tócate tú mano (hand)
4. Tócate tú dedo (finger)
5. Tócate tu pelo (hair)
6. Tócate tú espalda (back)
7. Tócate tú pie (foot)
8. Tócate tú pecho (chest)


In Spanish, commands are sentences in the imperative mood. So tócate is the conjugation of the verb tocar for the second person singular in the imperative mood. Therefore, eight sentences are as follows:

1. Tócate la pierna (touch your leg)

2. Tócate la cabeza (touch your head)

3. Tócate los dientes (touch your teeth)

4. Tócate la mano (touch your hand)

5. Tócate los pies (touch your feet)

6. Tócate la frente (touch your forehead)

7. Tócate la rodilla (touch your knee)

8. Tócate el hombre (touch your shoulder)