Respuesta :
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. C
You should probably read the book considering you have to write an essay on it.
2. D
3. C
4. C
You should probably read the book considering you have to write an essay on it.
- A. She passes a love note to Winston. Julia secretly hands Winston a note confessing her love for him, which simply reads, "I love you." Winston and Julia begin a torrid affair although it was forbidden. Winston used to think that Julia was an informant before that.
- D. O´Brien extends an invitation to his home. Winston believed that O´Brien was a secret agent from the resistance movement named the Brotherhood. They arrange a meeting at O'Brien's luxurious flat where both Winston and Julia swear allegiance to it.
- C. Party members are recording what they say as evidence against them. O'Brien reveals that he is actually loyal to the Party, and was simply part of a special sting operation to catch "thought criminals".
- C. The Proles. They are kept poor and uneducated with the purpose of not being aware of their place in the power structure and, this way, avoid rebellion.
I hope that these answers help you.