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The conservative revolution was triggered because of social unrest in high taxes and the concern of using nuclear weapons as a military option. They became popular because the people are rallying for their civil rights and welfare. Millions of people were mobilized because of these issues.


The conservative revolution was led by Ronald Reagan in the U.S. and Margareth Thatcher in the United Kingdom. It was caused by the poor economic situation in western countries during the 1970s.


The 1970s were difficult years for the economy of Western Nations because there was high inflation, high unemployment, and low economic growth, a phenomenon known as stagflation.

Reagan and Thatcher led the economic recovery by lowering taxes, eliminating regulations, and decreasing the money supply to reduce inflation.

Social conservatism was mostly a Reagan phenomenon (Thatcher was not conservative in social issues). Reagan promoted a new alliance between the Republican Party and Evangelical Christians that lives to this day. This alliance promotes Christianity in the state and public education, and opposes same-sex marriage and abortion.