Federalism is an astronomically immense part of American politics as it fortifies a vigorous centralized regime that is able to control certain things regarding U.S. policies. The two main parties of the U.S. are kenned to be the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Both Democrats and Republicans have local, state, and national organizations committing to kindred notions and working to win as many offices as possible in order to gain a majority party in politics. The National Committee is composed of representatives from each state that avail raise funds and apperception for presidential elections. Within the National Committee is the national party chairperson who essentially runs the committee and works to manage the office, direct the committee staff, and lead fundraising efforts. Every four years, a national convention is held in order to nominate the next presidential candidate and commence their campaigns for presidency. Along with national committees, there are state committees which are homogeneous to national committees except they fixate on electing candidates to state offices. Through this, they are then able to expand their scope and move on to push their candidate to national offices.