Prevention of airway and breathing emergencies; early cpr with an emphasis on effective rescue breaths and, if needed, rapid defibrillation; early activation of the appropriate emergency response protocol; effective bls and als care and transportation; and effective post-cardiac arrest care at a hospital are the links in which chain of survival?

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Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation also known as CPR. This chain of survival is the first-aid command for patients or individuals who are experiencing life-threatening situations at a given time. Highly-skilled and trained individuals are the only ones allowed to perform this as it may result to different kinds of complications if administered incorrectly.


Children and infants


The survival chain, also known as the "relief chain", translates the concept of the best aid to a victim in cardiorespiratory arrest, giving him the maximum probability of survival. When destined for asults, this chain of survival consists of 4 links: 1- protection and alertness; 2- early cardiorespiratory resuscitation; 3- early defibrillation (automatic external defibrillator) and 4- post-resuscitation care (advanced life support).

However, when aimed at children and infants, this chain has the following links: 1- prevention of airway and breathing emergencies, 2- early CPR, with an emphasis on effective rescue breaths, 3- rapid defibrillation (if necessary), 4- activation early appropriate emergency response protocol, 5- effective care and transport of bls and als, 6- effective post-cardiac arrest care in a hospital.