A newborn of 34 weeks gestation is not breathing ( apneic) at birth, does not respond to initial steps and requires positive-pressuer ventilation. what concentration of oxygen should be used as you begin positive-pressure ventilation?

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According to aafp.org, millions of infants use this method. If the heartbeat of an infant is less than 100bpm there should be a PPV using 21% of oxygen (room air) through a face mask, used for the infant using the flow-inflating bag, it can also be used in a self-inflating bag or a device. As for the procedure of its administration and procedure, you can ask a health professional.




When using a PAP configuration:

You put a mask on your nose or nose and mouth while you sleep.

The mask is connected by means of a hose to a small machine that stays next to your bed.

The machine pumps air under pressure through the hose and mask into the airways while you sleep. This helps keep the airways open.

You can start using PAP while in a medical center for sleep at night.

Your provider allows you to choose the mask that fits you best.

You will adjust the machine settings while you are asleep.

The settings are adjusted based on the severity of sleep apnea.

If your symptoms do not improve after receiving PAP treatment, the machine settings may need to be changed. Your provider can teach you how to adjust the settings at home. Or they may need to go to the medical center for sleep to make adjustments. oxygen is improved according to the needs of the patient