a.leapt b.irregular c.caution d.unsteadily e.handicaps 1. gamboled 2. glimmeringly 3. hindrances 4. snaggletooth 5. vigilance match definition with the vocabulary word

Respuesta :

Here are the vocabulary words matched with their definitions:
1. Gamboled : LEAPT (A)
2. Glimmeringly : UNSTEADILY (D)
3. Hindrances : HANDICAPS (E)
4. Snaggletooth : IRREGULAR (B)
5. Vigilance : CAUTION (C)

These are the synonyms or the words that matched the definition of the given ones. Hope this helps.

Harrison Bergeron Vocabulary Practice

1. match the definition with the vocabulary word.  


a // leapt

2. match the definition with the vocabulary word.  


d // unsteadily

3. match the definition with the vocabulary word.


e // handicaps

4. match the definition with the vocabulary word.


b // irregular

5. match the definition with the vocabulary word.


c // caution

6. choose the letter of the word or phrase that best matches the word in /italics/.

the campfire was visible /glimmeringly/ between the trees.


7. choose the letter of the word or phrase that best matches the word in /italics/.

in spite of many /hindrances/, she was able to complete the journey.


8. choose the letter of the word or phrase that best matches the word in /italics/.

with great /vigilance/, the solider guarded the fort.


9. choose the letter of the word or phrase that best matches the word in /italics/.

the /whanging/ of the old washing machine woke the baby.


10. choose the letter of the word or phrase that best matches the word in /italics/.

the puppies /gamboled/ on the rug.


10/10 (100%)

Harrison Bergeron Quick Check

1. to what does folly refer?

foolish behavior or character flaws

2. in "harrison bergeron", the beautiful are masked so that no one will [blank]

feel inferior

3. in "harrison bergeron", george's [blank] weighed forty-seven pounds.

handicap bag

4. which of the following is the best synonym for vigilance?


5. choose the word modified by the adjectival clause in the sentence below.

the dog, which was brown and white, walked all the way back to staci's house.


5/5 (100%)