Respuesta :

math yay here my answer 435254528734578237-57435234758423758946350845=23458243752375934523457435-05458732498572307589234753745892659834289572349659843652364
To find the slope between 2 points we will use the slop equation

(Y - y)/(X - x)

What this means is that the y part of the first point minus the y part of the second point all divided by the x part of the first point minus the x part of the second point is the slope

So (-4 - -9)/(5 - 8) is the slope

To simplify

-4 minus -9 is 5
And 5 minus 8 is -3

So the slope is 5/-3

Which is -5/3 (negative five thirds)

Feel free to ask questions if you are still confused.