The Plateau Indians had a semi-nomadic lifestyle while the Northwest Coast Indians had a sedentary lifestyle. Which was a benefit of having a sedentary lifestyle?

Respuesta :

     They had many cerimonies. There was like, a cerimony for everything, but not literally. The food source was scarce. The availability of natural food sources depended on the time of year. These times caused the Indian families to follow a semi-nomadic annual cycle of fishing, hunting and gathering. 
     They used tools just like we use tools, but it was different. One of the tools the Plateau Indians used was the Pebble Tool. It was a smooth and water-worn tool. Another well-used tool was the ulna tool. It was made from the bone of a deer. 
     Their shelter is interesting. The Plateau Indians' tepees were made of tule mats and spread on poles. I would not live in that.
     The clothing is almost the same but made differently. The men wore robes and the women wore dresses. The clothing would most lickly be made out of the game they hunted.