You need to put your reindeer, Balthazar, Rudy, Jebediah, and Ezekiel, in a single-file line to pull your sleigh. However, Ezekiel and Jebediah are best friends, so you have to put them next to each other, or they won't fly.
How many ways can you arrange your reindeer?

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Step-by-step explanation:


Balthazar,Rudy,Jebediah and Ezekiel in a single-File line to pull sleigh

Jebediah and Ezekiel Stay together

i.e. we need to arrange three person considering Ezekiel and jebediah as Single person

therefore 3 person can  be arrange in 3! ways =6

and also Ezekiel and Jebediah can be arranged in 2 ways

Therefore a total of [tex]2\times 6 [/tex] ways are possible

We can arrange in 12 ways the reindeer, Balthazar, Rudy, Jebediah, and Ezekiel, in a single-file line to pull your sleigh.When they are put next to each other, or they won't fly.

What is arrangement?

The action of putting things in order the order in which things are put the arrangement of furniture in a room

It is given that:

Balthazar,Rudy Jebediah and Ezekiel in a single-File line to pull sleigh

Jebediah and Ezekiel Stay together

i.e. we need to arrange three person considering Ezekiel and jebediah as Single person

Therefore 3 person can  be arrange in 3! ways =6

Also Ezekiel and Jebediah can be arranged in 2 ways

Therefore a total possible ways are  =[tex]6\times 2 =12[/tex]

To know more about arrangements follow