Standard reduction of order procedure: suppose there is a second solution of the form [tex]y_2(x)=v(x)y_1(x)[/tex], which has derivatives
Substitute these terms into the ODE:
and replacing [tex]v'=w[/tex], we have an ODE linear in [tex]w[/tex]:
Divide both sides by [tex]x^5[/tex], giving
and noting that the left hand side is a derivative of a product, namely
[tex]\dfrac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dx}[wx]=0[/tex]
we can then integrate both sides to obtain
Solve for [tex]v[/tex]:
where the second term is already accounted for by [tex]y_1[/tex], which means [tex]y_2=x^4\ln x[/tex], and the above is the general solution for the ODE.