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Dr. Martin Luther king jr


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Was a great civil rights leader.


a) Dred Scott was a slave that sued the state off Illinois for his and his family's freedom. However, he didn't fight for anyone else. So he didn't fight for human rights but freedom.

b) Richard Nixon was a former United States president. That even though he performed integration among several schools. He didn't start the movement to do it. Instead, he had to perform integration because someone else convinced the population, the scholars, the senate, and almost everyone for integration to be done. So he didn't fight for civil rights.

d) Roger B. Taney was a former chief of justice of the supreme court that fought for slavery and that slavery shouldn't be ceased. So he fought against civil rights.

c) Dr. Martin Luther King is one of the most important civil rights fighters of all time. He pursued social integration, equality, and performed an analysis that allowed the general population to sees how margined were African-Americans and minorities. I Have a Dream is one of his most important contributions, as well as the march on Washington.