Respuesta :
The answer that best fits the blank provided above is thirty (30). Thirty days is the number of days given to any minor violations to be corrected. Minor violations are those violations that are typically punishable by fines and seminars. Hope this helps.
90 days
Minor violations may be granted upwards of 90 days for correction
-Violations are categorized as either critical or general.Critical violations are those that create or have the potential to create an imminent risk to public health.The Food Code requires that critical violations be further listed as either major or minor with regard to their degree of risk.
-A major violation poses an imminent health hazard that warrants immediate correction and may require closure of the food facility. A minor violation does not pose an imminent health hazard, but does warrant correction.
-Major critical violations do require either closure or immediate correction with a timely follow up inspection to ensure compliance. Minor violations on the other hand, may be granted upwards of 90 days for correction