Read the passage about Grendel from Beowulf.

For no cause whatever would the earlmen’s defender Leave in life-joys the loathsome newcomer, He deemed his existence utterly useless To men under heaven. Now, read the passage about Hrothgar from Grendel. Meanwhile, those who paid tribute to him were forced to strike at more distant halls to gather the gold they paid to Hrothgar—and a little on the side for themselves. His power overran the world, from the foot of my cliff to the northern sea to the impenetrable forests south and east. They hacked down trees in widening rings around their central halls and blistered the land with peasant huts and pigpen fences till the forest looked like an old dog dying of mange.

Which is the most accurate comparison of the two passages?

A. From Beowulf’s perspective, the Danes are helpless innocents, but from Grendel’s perspective, Grendel is the helpless innocent.
B. From Beowulf’s perspective, Grendel is a villain, but from Grendel’s perspective, Hrothgar and the Danes are the villains.
C. Both Beowulf and Grendel think they are acting to save the environment from further destruction.
D.Both Beowulf and Grendel think they are acting according to the will of the gods.

Respuesta :


Option B. The most accurate comparison between the two passages is that from Beowulf's perspective, Grendel is a villain, but from Grendel's perspective, Hrothgar and the Danes are the villains.


From both excerpts the reader can tell how both characters have an opposite opinion and sense on who is the villain within the story. On Beowulf's point of view excerpt describes Grendel as a loathsome newcomer who has not other goal but to destroy the Danish people. On the other hand, from Grendel's perspective it is Hrothgar and the Danes the villains, as he described them as malicious forces that are slowly but surely destroying everything around them.


its d not b
