Passage 1 Passage 2
In these passages, Presidents Ronald Reagan and
Barack Obama prosent solutions for dealing with a
recession. A recession is defined as a length of time
when the economy slows, businossos strugglo, and
unemployment rates riso.
Radio Address to the Nation
on the Program for Economic
Recovery-April 3, 1982
by President Ronald Reagan
... These aren't easy times for a great
many of you. Yesterday we were told that
unemployment has gone up another
two-tenths of 1 percent-equal to the
unemployment rate we had in 1975 as we
began to come out of that recession.
2 3
In Passage 1, review the underlined
paragraphs on pages 1 and 2.
Click or tap the ONE sentence from these
paragraphs that BEST shows how President
Reagan's attitude about employment
statistics differs from President Obama's
attitude in Passage 2.n