Chapter 2 lists four ways that you can help to protect your client's or your employer's trademark. One is to use the trademark symbol. Which one of the following methods is also listed in the chapter?
a. Distinguish trademarks from other material, perhaps by setting the trademark in a different typeface or by using boldface type for emphasis.
b. Use the trademarked item in various grammatical forms, including as an adjective (Xerox® copiers), a noun (Xeroxes®), and a verb (Xerox 500 copies).
c. Use the plural form (Xeroxes) or the possessive form (Xerox's quality) of the term whenever possible.
d. Consistently use one of the trademark symbols (™ or ®) in references to other trademarked items, whether or not your client or employer owns those trademarks.
e. Include a prominent warning about the civil and criminal penalties for infringing on the protections afforded by trademark law, similar to the FBI warning about copyright that appears at the beginning of rental movies.