Two trains, train A and train B simultaneously depart station A and station B. Station A and station B are 252.5 miles apart from each other. Train A is moving 124.7mph towards Station B, and train B is moving 253.5mph torwards station A. If both trains depart at 10:00 and it is now 10:08, how much longer until both trains pass each other?

Respuesta :

time is equal to  velocity divide distance. ...... t=v/d  

 time = v (252.5) / d ( 378.2) = .67 hours --> 40 min ....... 40 -8 = 32 min 

add 252.5 +124.7 =378.2
1 hour = 60 min  thus, 60 min * .67 hours = 40 min 

rebember that 8 min already passed  thats why 40 - 8 =32 min