Answer: Penolope thought that Odysseus was dead, he was gone for so many years so she lost hope of him still being alive. She had to decline the proposals from other servants and wealthy man who were impressed by her, Since she wasn't sure that this was truly him she wanted to test him so she told her servant to move there bed, she knew that if the real Odysseus was there, he would move it back. He realizes that the bedframe is different because he made the bed from a live olive tree top. She has shown that she is a curious person but she also is a safe person so she knows who is who. She has become very desperate, but she has also been hurt by this because she has not seen him for 20 years. "Place his bed for him, Eurycleia. Place it outside the bedchamber my lord built with his own hands. Pile the big bed with fleeces, rugs, and sheets of purest linen.(Homer, 413)".