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they have to want help. you must be very subtle bc most likely they don't know that you realize their situation. confrontation is a good thing, but can be very traumatic for people suffering from anorexia considering their mental health is already unstable. be positive and show them how wonderful they are, the way they are. take out negative influences from their life such as social media, toxic friends, and foods that trigger their anorexic thoughts. teach them how to be healthy and fit, not by starvation. once all bad influences are gone, build them up. (all of this depends on what stage of anorexia they're in) tell them they are beautiful. don't make them stop working out, but make sure they're are eating enough. if you don't believe they are getting enough nutrients try to sneak in vitamins and other sources of nutrition into their diet without their knowledge. anorexia is a tough illness to overcome, but you have to persevere if you would like said anorexic to survive. let me know if you need more information


You can't. I know this probably isn't what you want to hear, but this is their fight. You can help them, reassuring them that they look great!

Tell a trusted adult.

I know it might feel like you are betraying them, but this is what you have to do. Anorexia is a very serious mental condition and shouldn't be taken lightly. It can even result in death.

Love them and care for them, don't treat them like a baby, treat them like just another human being. Never bring up their looks unless in a positive way. However, don't do that too much, as that can make them rely on you to feel good.