While writing a research paper, Dan finds a new online encyclopedia by a company he has never heard of before. Dan’s friend Mike urges him to stick to sources he knows are safe and credible. Why is Mike so concerned?

Respuesta :

Mike is concerned because Dan might use a bad source and he could get the wrong information. If he wants to try the new site, try looking up the facts on some other sites that are also on that site.


Mike is concerned about Dan's strategy because the source Dan is resorting to does not sound reliable.


What may make Dan's source unreliable in Mike's opinion? The fact that the encylopedia is run by a company and not a univeristy ; or any other academic institution. Besides, Dan says he has never heard about it before. If Dan has not got any background information about the source, he should get some before using that source. If Dan learns that the " company" works along some university or any other academic institution, then, it may be a reliable source.